Introducing Our Veteran Homeschool Mothers

These wonderful ladies have graciously agreed to give of their time for our upcoming Q&A blog series.  They come with a wide array of educational philosophies, approaches toward homeschooling, and reasons for home educating their children.  Although this is an eclectic group of women, they all exemplified thoughtfulness in the homeschooling of their children and in the raising of their families.  We have much to gain from their wisdom!

We've received many wonderful questions from our followers for these veteran homeschooling mothers.  There's still time for you to participate!  What would you like to ask these ladies?  If your question is chosen, the answer will be featured on the blog and you'll be given a pre-k lesson plan of your choice (with the exception of the pre-k bundle).  E-mail your questions to:

Meet our veteran homeschooling contributors:



Sally has homeschooled for 17 years during which her three daughters also attended bilingual, public, and private schools.  Her middle child attended public high school, while the eldest and youngest graduated from homeschool.  Sally homeschooled in Colorado and Texas, along with teaching in her local co-op.  







Anita is in her 21st year of home-educating in Texas!  She has schooled four children through high school graduation, and hopes to home school her 5th child five more years to complete high school as well.  Anita is excited to be a part of this blog series!








Laura has homeschooled for 15 years and completed her homeschool journey in 2010.  She has 2 children; Emily was homeschooled 1st - 12th grade. Daniel was homeschooled Pre-K - 12th grade.  Laura has homeschooled in both Texas and Kansas. 








Kelly has homeschooled in the state of Texas for 14 years and has four children.






April homeschooled for 16 years in the state of Texas and has two children.




Karen and her husband decided to homeschool after her husband completed student teaching for his degree.  What he experienced in the classroom was not what they wanted for their children.  They began attending the homeschool book fair in Arlington when their oldest was 4 years old.  They told themselves they would take one year at a time, then reevaluate whether to continue home educating.  Well, 17 years later, and still in the great state of Texas, they are finishing up their last school year with their youngest child.  Karen has a daughter working on her doctorate and two children working on their undergrad degrees.  God has truly blessed their decision, and they wouldn't change it for anything.




Linda holds a B.S. in education. She home educated her three daughters through high school in the state of Georgia, all of whom have gone on to college to further their education.  For the last 20 years, Linda has taught high school enrichment classes such as creative writing, literature, and SAT prep for other home school students.







Lynette was a home school pioneer, homeschooling before it was accepted in many parts.  She home schooled for 28 years in Texas and has five successful home school graduates.